4 Ways to Avoid the Halloween Candy Temptations

October has arrived, and now you can go to Jewel and buy candy by the truck load without getting weird looks! “It’s fine! The candy is for the neighborhood kids!” The question is, what happens with the candy that is left over?? I always buy the candy I like so I can pack it in my lunch once Halloween is over… Whoops! When it comes to Halloween candy, I do not know where to draw the line!! When I have multiple mini Twix, Kit-Kat or Snickers in front of me, it’s hard not to go for it. This year, I will have some willpower and use the following tricks to avoid the sugary temptations that Halloween brings.

  1. Buy Candy You Don’t Like

This was so hard for me to do. I walked past the bags filled with M&M’s, Twix, Three Musketeers and Snickers and went towards the Sweet Tarts, Whoppers, and Chewing Gum that I knew I wouldn’t eat. I’m pretty sure I could hear them calling my name! I thought to myself, why am I buying candy that I won’t eat?! In hindsight, I’m glad that I stuck to my plan. Now, I’m much less tempted to go in my pantry and sneak out a piece or two. Therefore, I don’t have to go and buy more treats before Halloween because I ate the whole bag by October 12th! It’s a win-win.

  1. Out of Sight Out of Mind

Typically, when you see that tasty treat sitting on your counter, or anywhere in your Halloween-decorated house, you are going to be tempted to have a bite. We’re only human! However, if you do not see it in the first place, you will be less tempted to snack on that evil candy.  Keep it in jars, in a cabinet or in a bowl in the closet. You will forget the candy is there until you need it for Halloween.

  1. Bring it to work

I like to bring extra Halloween candy to work because I know that I can not finish all of it myself, and I simply do not want it in my house. Your coworkers will be very grateful and the pressure to eat your treats at home will be gone! Be sure to put the treats out of arm’s reach so you have to get up from your desk to snack. Usually, I get so focused on my work that I forget I even wanted a piece of candy in the first place.

  1. Donate the Candy

Instead of trying to eat all the candy or pass it off to friends and family, how about donating it?  You can give it to the less fortunate, or to our service men and women who can not be home this Halloween! There are many websites that you can go to and donate your extra candy to those in need. Every little bit helps!

For this 2017 Halloween season, I am going to do my best on working on all of these tips to help with my sweet tooth. So what happens after Halloween you ask? As we head into Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities,  Dr. Jordan and Dr. Jade will come to your rescue!! They know exactly what foods to avoid and how you can control yourself during the holiday season. If you have any questions or need a push in the right direction call today for a FREE consultation to see how they can help at 847-362-4476!!


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