Peace, Love & Oils

What is all the “hype” about essential oils?

I think everyone now has either heard of, or used some kind of essential oil. Some think it’s just a gimmick, while others know the simple fact that a good essential oil is all natural, and can help with staying above the wellness line.

What is an essential oil?

An essential oil is the “essence” of a plant, obtained by water or steam distillation, or by cold pressing (for citrus peel oils). Through this process, the oils inside a plant can be extracted into a highly concentrated form.

Most companies are jumping on the essential oil band wagon. Sadly some of those companies still have toxic ingredients in their products so beware…. Just because it contains essential oil, doesn’t mean it’s a healthy product.

When looking for an essential oil you want to be sure it is a pure essential oil with no foreign or synthetic ingredients.  The way the oil is processed is also VERY...

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Meditation: Not Just For Buddhists

When most people think of meditation they think of praying or religion.  Mediation in fact is a form of alternative medicine that teaches you to focus your attention.  There are many different types of meditation, and most started from Eastern religious or spiritual traditions.  They have been used by numerous cultures throughout the world for thousands of years.

Some forms instruct you (the practitioner) to be mindful of feelings, thoughts and sensations.  In addition, you are to be extremely nonjudgmental.  This is the only way you achieve a state of physical relaxation and balance.

Regardless of the type of meditation, most have the following four things in common:

  • Quiet Location.  You want to have limited distractions, in a quiet place.
  • Comfortable posture.  Each type if meditation is different, but you can be sitting, laying down, standing, etc.
  • Focus of attention. You may focus on an object, breathing, or a mantra.  Regardless you...
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