The Top 5 Important Lab Tests Your Physician Should Be Running

As healthcare continues to evolve, medical professionals are constantly seeking ways to provide the best possible care for their patients. When it comes to understanding your health, laboratory tests play a crucial role in diagnosing and preventing potential issues. While many standard tests are routinely conducted, there are some lesser-known but equally important lab tests that your physician might not be running – but should be. Are you wondering if the tests they are running are correct? Are you wondering why your results are "within normal limits" but you still feel like $#!T?  In this blog post, we'll explore the top five lab tests that deserve a place on your medical radar and you can click the link below to order our Functional Blood Report and take control of your health.

  1. Vitamin D Levels (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D): Vitamin D is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin" due to its production when our skin is exposed to sunlight. It plays a critical role in bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to various health problems, including bone diseases, immune system deficiencies, and mood disorders. Given that many people spend a significant amount of time indoors and might not receive enough sun exposure, checking your vitamin D levels can provide valuable insights into your health status. As a functional medicine physician we like our patients to be in the 70-90ng/ml range. What is your level?

  2. Thyroid Panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, and Thyroid Antibodies): The thyroid gland regulates metabolism, energy production, and overall hormonal balance. Thyroid imbalances can lead to a range of symptoms, from fatigue and weight changes to mood swings and hair loss. While many doctors run a basic thyroid test (TSH), a more comprehensive thyroid panel that includes Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies can offer a more accurate picture of your thyroid health. Identifying and addressing thyroid issues early can help prevent long-term complications.

  3. Cortisol Levels (Morning and Evening): Cortisol is often referred to as the "stress hormone" and plays a key role in managing stress, inflammation, and blood sugar levels. Imbalances in cortisol levels can contribute to fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, and immune system dysfunction. Measuring cortisol levels at both morning and evening times can provide insights into your body's stress response and circadian rhythm. This information can guide lifestyle changes to better manage stress and improve overall health.

  4. Homocysteine: Homocysteine is an amino acid that, at elevated levels, can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and other health issues. While it's not commonly included in routine blood tests, monitoring homocysteine levels can help identify potential risks for heart and blood vessel problems. Elevated levels can often be managed through dietary changes and supplementation.

  5. HbA1c (Glycated Hemoglobin): HbA1c is a test commonly used to monitor long-term blood sugar control in individuals with diabetes. However, it can also provide valuable insights for non-diabetics. Elevated HbA1c levels indicate higher average blood sugar levels over a few months, which can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. Regular HbA1c testing can help catch early signs of blood sugar imbalances and guide preventive measures.

While standard lab tests are important, incorporating these lesser-known tests into your routine check-ups can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your health. Remember, open communication with your physician is essential. Discuss the possibility of including these tests in your health assessment, especially if you have a family history of related conditions. Proactive healthcare empowers you to make informed decisions and take steps to improve your overall well-being. 

If you're interested in tracking these levels and more grab our Optimal Blood Chemistry Analysis today! Discover how far from optimal your results are, see how your lifestyle modifications are improving your health in real time and see which diseases you may be on the trajectory to developing or preventing!

Click here:  Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis


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