Why Resolutions Donā€™t Work and Creating a Solid Vision is a Better Option

new year resolution Jun 10, 2024

Why Resolutions Don’t Work and Creating a Solid Vision is a Better Option

As the mid year dawns, many of us have completely forgotten our resolutions. We vowed to lose weight, save money, or finally start that new hobby. However, despite our best intentions, studies show that a staggering 80% of New Year’s resolutions failed by February. Why is this? And more importantly, what can we do instead?

**1. Resolutions are Often Vague and Unrealistic**

Resolutions tend to be broad and lack a concrete plan. Saying “I want to lose weight” or “I will save money” without a detailed strategy sets us up for failure. These goals, while admirable, are often unrealistic given our daily lives, commitments, and the myriad challenges we face.

**2. Resolutions Can Feel Like Punishments**

Many resolutions come from a place of self-criticism rather than self-love. We focus on what we need to change or fix, which can feel punitive. This negative mindset makes it...

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