Ice Vs. Heat

One of the main questions we are asked here at North Shore Pro-Active Health is; “Should I be using ice or heat?” It is a very good question to ask since many patients are unsure of the answer. The answer is; it all depends on the injury type.  Is the injury in the acute phase or the chronic phase?

There are two basic types of athletic injuries: acute and chronic. Acute pain is of rapid onset and short-lived, or chronic pain develops slowly and is persistent and long-lasting. Acute injuries are sudden, sharp, traumatic injuries that occur immediately (or within hours) and cause pain.  Acute injuries also cause common signs and symptoms of injury such as pain, tenderness, redness, skin that is warm to the touch, swelling and inflammation. If you have swelling, you have an acute injury.

Chronic injuries, on the other hand, can be subtle and slow to develop. They sometimes come and go, and may cause dull pain or soreness. They are often the result of overuse,...

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What is Athletic Training?

Have you ever wondered who are those people standing on the sidelines of a football or basketball game with the fanny pack and and always running out on the field or court for an injured athlete?  Well those people are Licensed Athletic Trainers and they do more work than most people realize. Athletic Trainers (ATs) are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians. The services provided by ATs comprise prevention, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. Athletic training is recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA) as a healthcare profession.

Athletic trainers can work in a variety of settings such as; professional and collegiate sports, secondary and intermediate schools, sports medicine clinics, hospital ER and rehab clinics, occupational settings, fitness centers, physician and chiropractic offices.

Students become eligible for BOC (Board of Certification)...

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