
We have all heard the symptoms of a concussion in young athletes; loss of consciousness, confusion, dizziness, nausea, and so on. But did you know a Second Impact concussion could cause devastating and permanent injury?

Second Impact Syndrome is when a second concussion occurs before a first concussion has properly healed. This causes rapid and severe brain swelling and often catastrophic results. Second Impact Syndrome can result from even a very mild concussion that occurs days or weeks after the initial concussion.

Many young athletes are eager to return to their sport but it is imperative to allow their developing bodies adequate time to heal. Respiratory failure, permanent brain injury and even death are a reality if athletes don’t fully recover from a concussion before incurring another.

It is imperative following a concussion that you avoid all external stimulation from touchscreen phones, computers, ipads and televisions.  You must report to your doctor any...

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Vocal Cord Disorder Is More Popular Than You Think

VCD-EILO also know as Vocal Cord Dysfunction-Exercise Induced Laryngeal Obstruction is often being misdiagnosed as asthma. VCD-EILO is a type of vocal cord dysfunction that is triggered by exercise. Rather than opening, the vocal cord and laryngeal tissue close, affecting the athlete’s breathing pattern, stress level and performance. The apparent symptom is shortness of breath which may relate to asthma.

The best way to diagnosis VCD-EILO is to have an endoscopic study to monitor the vocal cords when they are in the height if exercises. If this can not be done then the physician will make the diagnosis if the athlete meets the parameters of vocal cord dysfunction. Early recognition or early suspicion can be helpful to refer to the appropriate expert. 

VCD-EILO Symptoms                Asthma Symptoms

Breathing sounds high pitched, grating        Breathing sounds like wheezing


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Ice Vs. Heat

One of the main questions we are asked here at North Shore Pro-Active Health is; “Should I be using ice or heat?” It is a very good question to ask since many patients are unsure of the answer. The answer is; it all depends on the injury type.  Is the injury in the acute phase or the chronic phase?

There are two basic types of athletic injuries: acute and chronic. Acute pain is of rapid onset and short-lived, or chronic pain develops slowly and is persistent and long-lasting. Acute injuries are sudden, sharp, traumatic injuries that occur immediately (or within hours) and cause pain.  Acute injuries also cause common signs and symptoms of injury such as pain, tenderness, redness, skin that is warm to the touch, swelling and inflammation. If you have swelling, you have an acute injury.

Chronic injuries, on the other hand, can be subtle and slow to develop. They sometimes come and go, and may cause dull pain or soreness. They are often the result of overuse,...

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How To Pick A Chiropractic Office

After deciding that Chiropractic care is right for you take a few minutes to research your options.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics there are currently almost 30,000  Chiropractors in practice in the United States.  Not only will their chiropractic education vary slightly since there are 17 different schools to choose from; but their post graduate classes and even pre-chiropractic experience will differ greatly.  Do your due diligence in finding not only an office but physician that you synchronize with.   There are four areas that I recommend investigating prior to making an appointment or committing to care.

Social Media

  • Do they have a facebook page?  How many likes, comments, interactions do they have?
  • Do they have a website?  Is it current?  Are there client testimonials?  A virtual tour?
  • How are their Yelp reviews?  Do they interact with clients?  Address problem or less than perfect reviews?

The Office...

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Fibromyalgia – Will I Always Be In Pain?

At our practice we run into numerous patients who think they have fibromyalgia, but have never been diagnosed.  I wanted to take some time to explain what fibromyalgia(FM) is and what options there are if you are suffering.

FM is classified as a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain and sensitivity to the entire musculoskeletal system.  Individuals suffering from FM have days of pain from moderate to severe in multiple body locations.  Most people also report some level of fatigue along with the pain.  To be diagnosed with FM, a patient will possess a minimum of 11 out of 18 specific tender points on the body.

It is estimated that nearly 2% of the population is suffering from FM and women are being affected 10 times more than men.  FM is difficult to treat because you are dealing with multiple complaints and concerns, and the best treatment is most often holistic.

Although studies are lacking for the benefits of chiropractic on fibromyalgia...

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