The Top 5 Important Lab Tests Your Physician Should Be Running

As healthcare continues to evolve, medical professionals are constantly seeking ways to provide the best possible care for their patients. When it comes to understanding your health, laboratory tests play a crucial role in diagnosing and preventing potential issues. While many standard tests are routinely conducted, there are some lesser-known but equally important lab tests that your physician might not be running – but should be. Are you wondering if the tests they are running are correct? Are you wondering why your results are "within normal limits" but you still feel like $#!T?  In this blog post, we'll explore the top five lab tests that deserve a place on your medical radar and you can click the link below to order our Functional Blood Report and take control of your health.

  1. Vitamin D Levels (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D): Vitamin D is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin" due to its production when our skin is exposed to sunlight. It plays a critical role in bone...

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Vitamin D: Hormone Extraordinaire

Pop music is aspirin and the blues are vitamins. -Peter Tork

Vitamin D deficiency, hypovitaminosis D, is a very common disorder. Especially here in the Chicagoland area with our long winters spent indoors. We are meant to absorb Vitamin D from the sun but complications arise - either we don’t get to see the sun, we cover up when we’re in the sun or we use sunscreen to block the vitamin D from getting to our skin. 10-15 minutes/day in “bathing suit” attire will provide approximately 10,000IU of Vitamin D. If that’s not part of your regular routine read on to find out how and why to supplement!

Although usually found through a blood test, some symptoms of the deficiency include everything from aches and pains to depression and bone demineralization problems. Vitamin D is fundamentally important for the regulation of how your body functions. Over 200 genes in your body are controlled by Vitamin D. At least 35 different tissues in the body have Vitamin...

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