How to Prevent the Spread of a Virus

Data based on the National Health Interview Survey of the National Center for Health Statistics show that the common cold annually causes 35.6 acute illnesses per 100 people. Many viral infections we fight off everyday without evening knowing it! Very few viral infections cause a significant number of deaths, most commonly in people who have underlying health conditions or are immune-compromised.

There are a few steps you can take to ward off viruses starting today!

  1. Manage your stress – Get 20-30 minutes of daily exercise.  Keep a gratitude journal.  Practice abdominal breathing.
  2. Increase Your Vitamins – D3/K2, Zinc, Vitamin C, Probiotics and Elderberry should be taken prophylactically to help boost your immune system.
  3. Improve Diet & Reduce Sugar – Eating clean by decreasing sugar, alcohol, gluten and dairy may be one of the easiest things to increase immunity.
  4. Get a Chiropractic Adjustment – Your nervous system modulates...
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Vitamin D: Hormone Extraordinaire

Pop music is aspirin and the blues are vitamins. -Peter Tork

Vitamin D deficiency, hypovitaminosis D, is a very common disorder. Especially here in the Chicagoland area with our long winters spent indoors. We are meant to absorb Vitamin D from the sun but complications arise - either we don’t get to see the sun, we cover up when we’re in the sun or we use sunscreen to block the vitamin D from getting to our skin. 10-15 minutes/day in “bathing suit” attire will provide approximately 10,000IU of Vitamin D. If that’s not part of your regular routine read on to find out how and why to supplement!

Although usually found through a blood test, some symptoms of the deficiency include everything from aches and pains to depression and bone demineralization problems. Vitamin D is fundamentally important for the regulation of how your body functions. Over 200 genes in your body are controlled by Vitamin D. At least 35 different tissues in the body have Vitamin...

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Finding Balance

“A condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.”


I was reminded of balance today from the owner of The Dailey Method in Lake Forest where I work out.  She was discussing the importance of finding the time for yourself, regardless of the obstacles and joys in your life.  


Balance has a different meaning for everyone, but I want to focus on the importance of health in your life and how that plays a huge role in feeling centered.  We’ve all been in a place where we ate whatever was convenient, didn’t have the time to work out and went to bed still answering emails. More than likely this caused a need for more coffee in the morning and the entire cycle started over.  Not only will this decrease your energy and your mental focus, but this will start to increase pain in your entire body.


How do we find balance in a world where we are pulled in multiple directions everyday?  It comes...

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4 Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling

My sister has been a flight attendant for over five years and she already has some good stories from flying. She started working for a major commercial airline and now she works with charter airlines and private companies. She is in the sky all the time and doesn’t have the luxury to call in sick. I asked her what she does to keep healthy and these are some of her tips.

  1. She is consistent with her vitamins. Her flights are mostly domestic but there have been some to Asia, Australia, Mexico, Canada and a few others. On a regular basis she takes vitamins from the Salutogenic Life Line. Her go-to products include: Multi For Women, Omega Pearls, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D3 with K2, Seasonal Life, Probiotics (blister pack) and she just started taking Turmeric. Because of all of her traveling she can not bring all the bottles with her in her carry on bag so she preps them in a container for how many she needs for how many days she will be gone for.

Her Vitamin Choices:

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Supplement of the Month: L-Theanine

September is officially here, and we all know what that means: school is back in session. For parents, this means taking your children to football, dance, cheerleading, swimming, piano lessons, tennis, tutors and much more. Your kids become overwhelmed with homework, reading, working on book reports, and studying for daunting tests. As a result, we are more vulnerable to stress and anxiety. Sometimes we need an extra boost, and luckily, L-Theanine can provide just that.

What is L-Theanine?

L-Theanine is a relaxing and non-dietary amino acid found pretty much exclusively in teas Camellia sinensis (mostly green and black tea) and is known to promote relaxation without sedation. The crucial difference seems to be not in whether the tea is green or black, but how young the tea leaves are at harvest. Theanine is found in highest concentrations in the buds and young leaves of the tea plant (1). It is available as a supplement that helps relieve anxiety. Theanine should be...

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Probiotics : What They Are & Why You Need Them

When I started this blog and typed in probiotics into Google, I was overwhelmed with how much information there was about probiotics. From the top 10 brands to warnings about probiotics. With all of that information out there how do you know what is right? Does it really matter which brand to get?

As a matter of fact; yes it does matter where you buy your probiotics. You can refer to a previous blog regarding tiers of vitamins as that applies to probiotics as well.  It is imperative that your probiotics along with any vitamins you take come not only from reputable sources, but that the manufacturers are at a bare minimum cGMP compliant.  At our office, we will only recommend physician grade supplements because they are the most highly regulated on the market.  The manufacturers that we utilize test every batch for quality, safety and effectiveness.  Not only that, but they are free of fillers and binders.  

The question we get asked the most often...

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Supplement of the Month: B12 (Methylcobalamin)

Supplement of the Month: Vitamin B12

One of the typical questions we get asked is, “I went to my doctor and they said from my blood tests that my B12 is low. How do I fix this?” Vitamin B12 goes by many names and one we have in the office is called Methylcobalamin. By sitting down with Dr. Jordan or Dr. Jade they can discuss what the course of treatment can be to get you on track

How do we become deficient in B12?

Your body does not make vitamin B12, so you have to get it from animal-based foods or from supplements. You should do that on a regular basis, because your body doesn’t store vitamin B12 in the liver for a long time. With age, it can become harder to absorb this vitamin. There are a few ways of being deficient:

  1. Not enough intake of B12.  Vegans and vegetarians are at a greater risk due to eliminating certain foods from their diet.
  2. Impaired B12 absorption can be caused by a number of underlying issues, all requiring different treatments....
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5 Ways to Boost Your Energy at Work

I’m not sure about you, but about 3:30 pm every single day my brain decides to turn off and stop working. I tend to get tired and antsy at the same time, which leads to some seriously shameful unproductiveness. Seeing as the boss (as most bosses do), frowns upon dilly dallying till 5 pm, I decided that I needed to find some ways to boost my energy levels. Here’s a few simple ideas that I’ve found help keep you going till the very last second.

1.Get Moving!

Yes, I know it sounds cliche, but seriously. Get up and go to the bathroom, empty your shred pile, or just take a lap around the office! Your body needs occasional movement to change channels and get oxygen flowing. You don’t need to be away from your desk for an hour but little breaks to stretch your legs here or there won’t hurt.Keeping your body warmed up will prepare you for whatever tasks your boss might throw at you.

  1. Eat Well.

I’ll admit that snacking is my weakness. I’ve found...

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The Dangers of Energy Drinks

Did you know that there are 11 deaths reported with the use of 5-hour Energy and at least 5 deaths reported for the use of Monster Energy Drinks?  It is important to note that the details surrounding these deaths are not all cited, so there is great possibility of adverse reactions of energy drinks with medications and/or alcohol.  

Energy drinks do not provide energy, such as the type we get from carbohydrates for example.  They provide caffeine, a stimulant to your nervous system.  The goal of an energy drink is to boost your mental alertness, appearing as an energy boost.

Consumerlabs.com privately tested the caffeine levels in some popular energy drinks.  

  • 8-Ounce Cup Of Coffee: 95 milligrams
  • Monster Energy M-3 Super, 5-Ounces: 206 milligrams
  • 5-Hour Energy, 2-Ounces: 206 milligrams

One of the problems with energy drinks is the quick uptake of such high levels of caffeine.  Most people may have more than one cup of coffee a day, but they drink...

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Not All Supplements Are Created Equal

Shopping for the right supplements can be an overwhelming task.  Nearly every store has an aisle from floor to ceiling filled with hundreds of different brands.  Not only are stores carrying supplements, BUT you can buy them off infomercials and individual sales companies.  Where do you start and who do you trust?

Supplements can most definitely help recovery time, improve energy and aid in nearly every function of the body; IF you are taking the right type.  The number one reason I hear in the office for why people stopped taking their supplements is they didn’t “feel” a difference.  Pending on the purpose and the quality of the supplement you will not always “feel” a change within your body.

If you take anything away from this blog post please know that generic supplements aren’t even worth the $5.00 that you paid.  I hate to put it so bluntly, but they are the lowest quality on the market.  The FDA...

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