Understanding Thyroid Health: A Functional Medicine Approach

Understanding Thyroid Health: A Functional Medicine Approach

The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions through hormone production. For many middle-aged women, maintaining thyroid health becomes increasingly important as hormonal changes and other factors can affect its function. In this blog, we'll delve into the significance of thyroid health, common thyroid disorders, and how a functional medicine approach can help you achieve optimal wellness.

The Importance of Thyroid Health
The thyroid gland produces hormones that influence every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. These hormones regulate metabolism, energy levels, temperature, heart rate, and more. When the thyroid is not functioning properly, it can lead to a range of health issues that significantly impact quality of life.

Common Thyroid Disorders
1. **Hypothyroidism:** This condition occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough...

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4 Functional Medicine Tests You Need

Working with a functional medicine professional can be exciting and rewarding. At the beginning of your journey, your doctor may start with a few simple tests to see what contributing factors are responsible for your current situation. Later on if you find that you have implemented lifestyle changes and you are not seeing the results your doctor expects, testing may be exactly just what the doctor orders!! Below are the four tests most frequently used by Dr. Jordan Leasure at her clinic in Illinois. If you’ve completed any of these please share your experiences below.


This is one of Dr. Jordan’s favorite tests for a variety of reasons. It’s easy to complete - just pee in a cup at home! It gives a TON of information - Dr. Jordan calls it the “poop of the poop”. Essentially it measures metabolites - a fancy word for the end products of your metabolism - when you create energy and eliminate waste. It gives an overall look at your...

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3 Ways Youโ€™re Making Weight Loss Harder than it Needs to Be

We all know that the foods/drinks we consume contribute to the body shape we carry around. Did you know that even “healthy” foods can be inflammatory? Depending on the health of your gut you could be consuming organic, grass fed, wild caught, prairie raised eggs, fish, meat and fruits/vegetables that don’t agree with you so they cause inflammation in your body and thus you hold onto extra weight.

The eight most inflammatory foods include: Soy, Wheat, Dairy, Sugar (Alcohol), Peanuts, Eggs, Corn, Artificial Sweeteners.  Minimizing or completely eliminating the foods above will help you to drop a few extra pounds of inflammation. 

Not sure or want concrete evidence that your body doesn’t react well to those inflammatory foods? You have two options - complete an elimination diet or run a food sensitivity testing panel. Both will help you decide which specific diet modifications are right for you.


Studies show that upwards of 75% of Americans are...

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The Dangers of Energy Drinks

Did you know that there are 11 deaths reported with the use of 5-hour Energy and at least 5 deaths reported for the use of Monster Energy Drinks?  It is important to note that the details surrounding these deaths are not all cited, so there is great possibility of adverse reactions of energy drinks with medications and/or alcohol.  

Energy drinks do not provide energy, such as the type we get from carbohydrates for example.  They provide caffeine, a stimulant to your nervous system.  The goal of an energy drink is to boost your mental alertness, appearing as an energy boost.

Consumerlabs.com privately tested the caffeine levels in some popular energy drinks.  

  • 8-Ounce Cup Of Coffee: 95 milligrams
  • Monster Energy M-3 Super, 5-Ounces: 206 milligrams
  • 5-Hour Energy, 2-Ounces: 206 milligrams

One of the problems with energy drinks is the quick uptake of such high levels of caffeine.  Most people may have more than one cup of coffee a day, but they drink...

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