5 Ways to Boost Your Energy at Work

I’m not sure about you, but about 3:30 pm every single day my brain decides to turn off and stop working. I tend to get tired and antsy at the same time, which leads to some seriously shameful unproductiveness. Seeing as the boss (as most bosses do), frowns upon dilly dallying till 5 pm, I decided that I needed to find some ways to boost my energy levels. Here’s a few simple ideas that I’ve found help keep you going till the very last second.

1.Get Moving!

Yes, I know it sounds cliche, but seriously. Get up and go to the bathroom, empty your shred pile, or just take a lap around the office! Your body needs occasional movement to change channels and get oxygen flowing. You don’t need to be away from your desk for an hour but little breaks to stretch your legs here or there won’t hurt.Keeping your body warmed up will prepare you for whatever tasks your boss might throw at you.

  1. Eat Well.

I’ll admit that snacking is my weakness. I’ve found...

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The Trapezius : Muscle of the Month

The trapezius is one of the major muscles of the back and is responsible for moving, rotating, and stabilizing the scapula (shoulder blade) and extending the head at the neck. It is a wide, flat, superficial muscle that covers most of the upper back and the posterior of the neck. Like most other muscles, there are two trapezius muscles – a left and a right trapezius – that are symmetrical and meet at the vertebral column

The trapezius starts at the occipital bone and the spinous processes of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. Then extends across the neck and back to insert via tendons on the clavicle, acromion, and spine of the scapula. The name trapezius is given to this muscle due to its roughly trapezoidal shape. The trapezius can be divided into three bands of muscle fibers that have distinct structures and functions within the muscle:

Upper Trapezius, Middle Trapezius and Lower Trapezius

 Upper Trapezius

This portion helps with elevating (shrugging) the...

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Why are Re-Examinations so Important?

It’s that time again. Either after four weeks of treatment or ten visits our patients are scheduled for a re-examination with the doctor. Why you ask? To make you fill out more paperwork? To add more time to your appointment? Well, not exactly.

Every new patient completes a consultation and initial examination on their first visit.  Both aspects are extremely important.

Consultation/Subjective Findings: This is where you tell the doctors about your condition.  Types of questions the doctors may ask include: when did it start, symptoms you notice, pain/discomfort intensity, type of discomfort and most importantly how these symptoms are affecting your daily life.  Not all conditions we see can answer the same questions such as anxiety or insomnia vs. pain.  The consultation is all in your words.

Examination: The examination includes objective findings that can be measured and should be able to be replicated.  In our office this includes, but is...

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Why You Should Foam Roll

Why Should You Use a Foam Roller?

This is one of the many questions we get asked during our rehab time with patients. Many people do not know what a foam roller is and how it will even help them. They think it is just another one of our torture devices we use on people.

Self-myofascial release is a fancy term for self-massage to release muscle tightness or trigger points. This is something you can do at home without having to come into the office. This method can be performed with a foam roller, lacrosse ball, Theracane, or your own hands. By applying pressure to specific points on your body you are able to aid in the recovery of muscles and assist in returning them to normal function. Normal function means your muscles are elastic, healthy, and ready to perform at a moment’s notice.

This can have a wide range of benefits for the everyday gym-goer or someone who who works out at home. Benefits of using the foam roller will be increased blood flow throughout the body,...

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Ch, Ch, Ch, CHIA!

Chia seeds are a magical food that need their time in the spot light!  I’ve been using chia in my protein shakes for awhile now, knowing they were a super food, but never knowing ALL the benefits they possess.

Chia seeds originated in Mexico where they were viewed with such admiration they were even used as currency.  The Aztecs used chia to sustain their energy while running long distances or during battle.  They would say a spoonful would give them enough endurance for 24 hours.  This all makes sense since In the Mayan language, chia means “strength”.

Chia seeds are filled with everything from Omega 3’s, protein, fiber , vitamins, minerals AND antioxidants.  Due to their content, they have a vast array of health benefits.

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

  • Digestive Health – Due to the high amount of fiber alone, chia seeds will help with digestion.  The appropriate amount of fiber will help with regular bowel...
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Size Does Matter

An optimist will tell you the glass is half-full; the pessimist, half-empty; and the engineer will tell you the glass is twice the size it needs to be – Anonymous

It might be helpful if we were all engineers when it came to our food.  We are exposed to supersized and packaged foods that are often double, triple or even quadruple the size we should be eating!  It is no wonder that according to the CDC, over one-third of the adult U.S. population is obese and the obesity rate in children has tripled since 1980!

When it comes to food, we need to remember we are fueling our bodies, not just feeding them.  Most cravings are learned, meaning you aren’t born to crave sugar or fast food.  When you cut down on these items, the cravings for them will lessen.

 Let’s take a closer look on serving sizes and how to make it easier to determine how much to eat!

Food Item

Comparable Item

Meat – 3 oz

Deck of Cards

Cheese – 1...

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What is a Trigger Point?

What are these knots in my back and neck?? Are these normal? How do I get rid of them? This is a very popular question that we get asked here in the office at North Shore Pro-Active Health. Before we answer the question above let us talk about how muscle fibers work. Within skeletal muscle there are three types of fiber. Type one (I), type two A (IIa) and type two B (IIb). Each fiber types has different qualities in the way they perform and how quickly they fatigue.

Types of Trigger Points

Type I fibers are also known as slow twitch fibers. They are red in color due to the presence of large volumes of myoglobin (iron-oxygen binding protein) and high numbers of Mitochondria (power house of the cell). They are very resistant to fatigue and are capable of producing repeated low-level contractions by producing large amounts of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) through an aerobic metabolic cycle. The muscles containing mainly type I fibers are often postural muscles such as...

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Preventing Health Care Fraud and Abuse

Health care fraud is a key driver of rising health care costs. About 3% of all health care spending — or $68 billion each year — is lost to health care fraud. There are a few types of health care fraud including:

  • Medical Identity Theft. This is the misuse of a person’s medical identity to obtain health care goods, services or funds.  This can include fraudulent prescriptions, billing for services that were never provided or referring patients for unnecessary services.
  • Upcoding. This is when the provider bills for a service of higher complexity than the service that was provided or documented.  For example, a supplier may bill for motorized scooters, but supply manual wheelchairs.
  • Billing for Services not Furnished
  • Others can be found here

Here are some things you can do to help prevent health care fraud and abuse.

  • Review your health care charges. Look over your Explanation of Benefits from your insurer and receipts from your doctor...
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Meditation: Not Just For Buddhists

When most people think of meditation they think of praying or religion.  Mediation in fact is a form of alternative medicine that teaches you to focus your attention.  There are many different types of meditation, and most started from Eastern religious or spiritual traditions.  They have been used by numerous cultures throughout the world for thousands of years.

Some forms instruct you (the practitioner) to be mindful of feelings, thoughts and sensations.  In addition, you are to be extremely nonjudgmental.  This is the only way you achieve a state of physical relaxation and balance.

Regardless of the type of meditation, most have the following four things in common:

  • Quiet Location.  You want to have limited distractions, in a quiet place.
  • Comfortable posture.  Each type if meditation is different, but you can be sitting, laying down, standing, etc.
  • Focus of attention. You may focus on an object, breathing, or a mantra.  Regardless you...
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Athletic Trainers vs. Personal Trainers

We often get questions regarding what exactly is an athletic trainer, and how they differ from a personal trainer or a physical therapist.  We have two Certified Athletic Trainers at our office that perform your daily rehab exercises including, but not limited to manual therapy, graston therapy and exercises.  Below we have broken down information regarding an Athletic Trainer vs. a Personal Trainer.


An athletic trainer is an expert at recognizing, treating and preventing musculoskeletal injuries. ATs meets qualifications set by the Board of Certification, Inc., and adhere to the requirements of a state licensing board. ATs practice under the direction of a physician and are members of a health care profession recognized by the American Medical Association.


  • Must obtain, at minimum, a bachelor’s degree in athletic training
  • Must pass a comprehensive exam to earn the ATC credential
  • Must keep their knowledge and skills current by...
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